full name
Edmunds Lucis
1986 – 1993 Latvia Art Academy, visual arts department
1996 Member of the Union of Latvian artists
international shows
2015 PRO BONO PUBLICO, Venice, Italy
2015 declaring space, Krefeld, Germany
2014 Take me out, Helsinki, Finland
2014 Die Macht, Hamburg, Germany
2014 Structures, Banca Generali, Milan, Italy
2013 55.Venice Biennale, PERSONAL STRUCTURES, Palazzo Bembo, Venice
2013 „exodus – an eye for an eye”, forum contemporary art, Krefeld, Germany
2013 "Das sind wir", Gängeviertel, Hamburg, Germany
2013 “Luce“, Palazzo delle Prigioni, Venice, Italy
2012 Art Fair "Berliner Liste 2012"
2011 Art Fair "Berliner Liste 2011"
2011 Groupexhibition "heart on the street", Kunstarkaden, Munich, Germany
2010 Groupexhibition, Sale S. Tommasso ss. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice, Italy
2009 Gallery „Müller“, Lucerne, Switzerland
2009 Show „Aqua marine“, Exhibition Sale S. Tommasso ss. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice, Italy
2008 Show „Scommettitore“, Exhibition Sale S. Tommasso ss. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice, Italy
2008 International Art Biennale Beijing (Olympic art), China
2007 Graphics triennial St.Petersburg, Russia
solo shows in Latvia galleries and exhibition halls
2015 LUCE, City Museum Jurmala, Latvia
2014 New skin, Gallery of creative works, Riga, Latvia
2012 "Yesterday's Hero", Gallery "In3ga", Riga, Latvia
2011 "Tango, Blanco, Negro", Composers Union, Latvia
2010 Solo show, Gallery "Ledus pagrabs", Valmiera, Latvia
2010 Solo show "Der blaue Amor", Gallery "GlobalArtRoom", Riga, Latvia
2009 Anniversary exhibition, Jurmala Town Museum, Latvia
2009 Solo show “pink virgin”, Gallery „Carousell”, Riga, Latvia
2009 Exhibition „Morning with my love“, Jurmala Town Museum – Aspazia House, Latvia
group shows in Latvia galleries and exhibition halls
2015 GENESIS, City Museum Jurmala, Latvia
2014 Marina 2014, City Museum Jurmala, Latvia
2013 Tadi mēs esam, Ziemeļu izpilddirekcija, Riga, Latvia
2013 "the submarine war. episode-8. 18 years." Museum Talsi, Latvia
2013 “Being social”, Salon “Tējas un Sarunas”, Riga, Latvia
2013 “Fallow the sun”, Composers Union, Riga, Latvia
2012 Kars Krieg War Karas Guerra, Riga, Latvia
2012 Groupexhibition, Gallery "Promenade", Liepaja, Latvia
2012 Groupexhibition "BIBLOSS", Gallery "Carousell", Riga, Latvia
2011 Groupexhibition "Octopus and FRIENDS", Riga, Latvia
2011 Groupexhibition "space..between", Culture Centre "Juras Varti", Ventspils, Latvia
2011 Groupexhibition "Artdays. Gaiļa dziesma. Kop Saucējs.", Gallery of Artist Union, Riga, Latvia
2011 Groupexhibition "School", Riga, Latvia
2011 Groupexhibition “NeJauTa", club "NABAKLAB", Riga, Latvia
2011 Groupexhibition "pup art III. erotic art", Gallery "Suna Taka", Jelgava, Latvia
2010 Artproject „Octopus“, Riga, Latvia
2010 19. Summerexhibition, Galery „Mans’s”, Jekabpils, Latvia
2010 5. international Artshow „Sea“,Jurmala Town Museum, Latvia
group inspiration exhibitions, performances, installations
2012 Performance "Flag of Peace" and Performance "FIRE & WATER", Streetfest Miera iela, Riga, Latvia
2011 Performance „Die schwarze Fahne”, Baltā kāpa, Saulkrasti, Latvia
2011 ArtProject „LUX” with Composer Gundega Šmite, Composer Union Latvia
2009 „Arts Days”, city plain air: „Breakfast with Mammoth. Catch the rabbit”, Riga, Latvia
2008 Book „Visual Arts in Latvia 2008“, author of the idea and creator
2008 Performance „Marine”, Liepaya, Latvia
2008 Performance „Vegetarians paint Central market. Myth of a Latvian and a pig”, Riga, Latvia
2006 Performance „Happenings of Muse”, Latvia